2019 October Council of Chiefs Meeting

Section Chief Seth Greiling meets directly with the SR-7A Lodge Chiefs at the 2019 October CoC
On October 5, 2019, nearly 50 Arrowmen from across Virginia gathered at Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Staunton, Virginia for a day-long planning event and business meeting called the Council of Chiefs or “COC.” The youth delegates from each Lodge reviewed the previous year’s highlights, discussed goals for the coming year, and passed resolutions to govern the Organization. The primary focus of the COC was to plan the 2020 Conclave which will be held on April 24-26, 2020 at Camp Shenandoah in Swoope, Virginia. The COC set a goal of 1,020 Arrowmen in attendance and the Conclave 2020 theme, Reimagine, was revealed. John “JT” Thomas ended his term as Section Adviser and W. Scott Smith was installed as the new SR-7A Section Adviser.