April 25 – 27, 2025 | Camp Rock Enon, Gore, VA
Hosted by Onerahtokha #297

Welcome to the Conclave website!

This is your one-stop source for info on the E9 Conclave which will be held on the weekend of April 25 – 27, 2025 at Camp Rock Enon, in Gore, Virginia, and hosted by Onerahtokha #297.

While online registration is closed, you are still welcome to attend Conclave. Walk-on registrations will be accepted at Pipsico Scout Reservation. The base walk-on registration price is $85 ($55 Registration + $30 Walk-On Fee) plus any applicable lodge delegation fees. Please arrive with your current BSA health form. Also, make sure you are actively registered in the BSA & OA, and current on your Youth Protection Training (if 18 or older).



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