Section E9, with the help of our members and local historians, conducted a major project to gather historical information about past people, events, and activities at the section or area level for E9 as well as our predecessors:
- Region III
- Area III-A
- Area III-C
- Section SE-1
- Section SE-8
- Section SR-7
- Section SR-6/SR-6B
- Section SR-7A
Click here for a brief account of the history of these sections (up through SE-8 in the 1980s), including the lodges that were part of each.
Turning lists of names and places into stories
So far, we’ve been working hard to document all past section and area officers & advisers, award recipients, and basic information on past conclaves, pow wows, and other events. The fruits of our efforts can be accessed via the menu to the right. However, the scope of our project goes well beyond sterile lists of names and dates. We want to bring the history of the Order of the Arrow in Virginia alive with personal recollections, photographs, and historic context. In other words, telling the “what” and “when” is not enough for us: we want to also tell the “how” and “why.” In order to do this, we need your help! Please consider sharing photographs, documents, and personal stories of your experiences to help us tell the story!
Share your photographs and documents
If you have photographs or documents from past area or section conclaves, pow wows, conferences, or other events, we would greatly appreciate copies. Documents might include officer rosters, letters, newsletters, manuals, passports or other event materials, certificates, etc. Scanned images and documents can be submitted via the “File Upload” link in the menu to the right. For more information, or to make arrangements to share items than cannot be captured electronically, contact us at
Share your story!
We are seeking stories from past section and area conclaves, conferences, pow wows, and other events. Where and when was the event? How did you travel to the event? What was the weather like? Were you a youth or adult? Did you make any new friends or meet any special guests? What activities did you participate in? Did you participate in dance competitions or ceremonies evaluations? Were you elected to an office? Were you on staff? Did anything funny or unusual happen? To submit your story, click on the “Share Your Story” link in the menu to the right.
Are you a past area or section officer or adviser?
We would love to hear from you! We are encouraging all former officers to join us at the 2025 Conclave at Camp Rock Enon in Gore, Virginia. So that we can stay in touch, please contact us at the email address below. We would also like to invite you to join the “Current & Former Virginia Order of the Arrow Section Officers & Advisers” Facebook Group!
Questions? Would you like to volunteer to help with our project?
Great! Please contact us at